Creepages and Friction Work of Wheelset and Track with Two Type Profiles in Rolling Contact
Graphical Abstract
The contact geometry, creepages and friction work of wheelset/track with two type profiles in rolling contact are investigated with numerical methods. In the analysis of the friction work, Kalker theory of three dimensional elastic bodies in rolling contact with non Hertzian form is employed and the effects of structure elastic deformations of wheelset/track on the friction work are also taken into consideration. According to the numerical results, the creepages and friction work of the wheelset with worn profile and track are greatly different from those of the wheelset with cone profile and track in the same situation of motion. It has also been found that the currently widely used wheelset with worn profile in the railway field of China cannot effectively reduce the wear of the contact surfaces of wheelset and track. Thus further work is urgently needed to realize optimal matching of the profiles of wheel/rail systems.