Electrical Sliding Wear Behavior of Al2O3/Cu Composite Prepared by Internal Oxidation
Graphical Abstract
Using self-made electric-tribo tester, electric-tribological behaviors of Al2O3/Cu composites by internal oxidation were investigated. The wear resistance of Al2O3/Cu composite was greatly superior to that of the commercial Cu-0.36Cr-0.06Zr alloy, the wear resistance of typical Al2O3/Cu composite with 0.4 wt% of A1203 was about 2 time better than that of Cu-0.36Cr-0.06Zr alloy. SEM and EDS analysis indicated that the wear machanism of the composites was adhesive wear with existance of current, while it was abrasive and adhesive wear with no-current. The increasement of current accelerated the adhasive wear.