The Effect of a Cerous Complex on Anti-Corrosion Characteristic of Bonded Film Containing Graphite
Graphical Abstract
A certain tatio of graphite was added to bonded MoS2 solid film because of a synergisticeffect of tribological properties of graphite with molybdenum disulfide,but graphite may acceleratethe corrosion of metal substrate and exacerbate the corrosion resistance of bonded film,Formolybdenum disulfide-graphite bonded film,factors causing corrosion were investigated in thispaper. Various anti-corrosion additives(inhibitors),which were used to improve the corrosionresistance of bonded film,were also mentioned. In order to improve the corrosion resistance ofbonded film containing graphite,a cerous complex(BuC)of di-n-butylphosphinic acid with cerousnitrate was added to novolac-epoxy-MoS2 bonded film. The salt(NaCl)spray corrosion tester wasused to determine the effects of different additives on the corrosion resistance of bonded film. Thecorrosion test was carried out in accordance with ANSI/ASTM B117-73(1979).The test resultsshow that the bonded films containing di-n-butylphosphinic acid(BuP),CeF3,Sb2O3 separately orwithout these additives were all corroded after 150 hours continuous corrosion test, however,thebonded film containing BuC was not corroded after more than 500 hours continuous corrosion test.BuP can not be as an anti-corrosion additive for the bonded film and it has a short time of apperancerust dot. The results of XPS show that theaddition of BuC is effective to reduce the oxidation degreeof MoS2 in the film. The distribution of BuC in bonded film is uniform,i.e. it has high content ofBuC at the surface and interfdce,and low content in the inner laver of bonded film. The oxidationdegree of MoS2 in defferent layer of bonded film is different.Considering these results,we mayconclude that the increasing of corrosion resistance of bonded film containing graphite is due to thedistribution of BuC in bonded film and its adsorption on MoS2.