Study of Wear Resistance of Centrifugal Cast Binary Titanium Alloys
Graphical Abstract
Ti-Mo, Ti-Nb and Ti-Cr alloys were fabricated by using tungsten electrode melting and centrifugal casting. The dry wear resistance of Ti-Mo, Ti-Nb and Ti-Cr alloys against Grl5 ball was investigated on CJS111A balldisk wear instrument. The influence of alloy element on wear resistance of alloys was investigated. Worn surface morphologies and cross-section profiles of the wear tracks of the samples were observed on a scanning electron microscope and electron microprobe analyzer. Wear mechanism of Ti-Mo, Ti-Nb and Ti-Cr alloys was analyzed. When the weight fraction of elements Mo, Nb and Cr was 5% , friction coefficients of Ti-SMo, Ti-SNb and Ti-SCr alloys were nearly the same. When the weight fraction bf elements Mo, Nb and Cr was 10% , friction coefficients of Ti-10Mo and Ti-10Nb alloys exhibited little difference and that of Ti-10Cr alloy was the largest. The wear scar depth of Ti-SNb alloy was the smallest and that of Ti-SCr alloy was the largest. Wear of Ti-Mo and Ti-Nb alloys was characterized by adhesion and abrasive wear, while wear of Ti-Cr alloys was characterized by abrasive wear.