Simulation on Wheel Wear Prediction of High- Speed Train
Graphical Abstract
In order to study the wheel wear Problem of high - speed train , the coupled model of vehicle multi - body dynamics and wheel wear was set up . The nonlinearities arising from the vehicle suspension system , wheel/rail contact geometry and wheel/rail creep force were considered in the model . The numerical simulation method was used to predict the distribution and development of wheel Profile wear . The vehicle Passing through a length of typical track that was composed of several straight lines and different curved lines was taken into account . The dynamic simulation was used to obtain the wheel/rail contact state . FASTIM was adopted to calculate the wheel wear on wheel / rail contact Patch . The wear volume on wheel Profile was accumulated and the shape of wheel Profile was updated . Then , the next wear simulation cycle can be carried out . Through comparison and analysis , the wheel Profile was updated when the vertical wear depth reached 0 . 1 mm . The Archard wear model , wear model based on wear energy and wear model based on wear index were utilized respectively to predict the development of wheel profile wear , and the measure d wheel wear of the vehicle running on actual lines was compare d with the simulation results . It can be seen that the simulated wheel wear development had the same tendency with the measured results . The calculation results by the wear energy model and wear index model were similar , while the wheel flange wear calculated by the Archard model was relatively large . There fore, thee efficient wear model should be selected according to the actual track line , and the wheel Profile wear can be predicted by the use of simulation method and that can provide the guidance for the safe and reliable operation of high speed trains .