Developing Situation and Application of Bonded Solid Lubricant Films
Graphical Abstract
As a kind of important solid lubricant, bonded solid lubricant films were used widely inmany fields from civil mechanery industry to space technology in many countries. It can be used toalmost all slide contact parts due to its superior properties. In recent years. the application of bondedsolid lubricant films not only keep traditional advantages in aviation and space industry, but alsoincreases in civil mechanery greatly in China. In order to push forward the research and applicationof bonded soliti lubricant films in ourcountry furtherly, the classifieation, properties, preparationand typical uses for this kind of material were introduced and reviewed, and the future developingtendency in this field was predicted in this paper. It was indicated that bonded solid lubricant filmshave a promising markets future in our country.