Recent Advances in Tribology and Future Trends
Graphical Abstract
The general situations of the tribological development in the past 10 years werereviewed in this paper,the recent advances on lubrication-lubricant and friction-wear were mainlyexpounded.The outstanding achievements are investigations on boundary lubrication and boundaryfilm using emerging insitu techniques,such as scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy(STM and AFM),ultrathin film interfermetry etc,and the development of nano-tribology,ceramics tribology,space tribology,nuclcar rcactor system tribology,micro-tribology, surfaceengineering and new friction materials;the future developing tendency of tribology in the 90's andthe next century was predicted.It would be extended the progresses in tribological design, newsystems of tribology and special tribologieal materials,new surface-treatment techniques,lubricantsfor extreme or special service condition. To counter the actual situation of China,three suggestionswere made a bout pushing the researches of tribology and its in dustrial a pplication forward in ourcountry.