Study on Friction-Wear Properties and Wear Mechanism of High Aluminum Zinc Based Alloy
Graphical Abstract
The high aluminum zinc based alloy ZA27 is a good substitute material for highstrength anti-friction copper alloys and aluminum alloys.Though,the study on wear property has afew reports,the tribology property of ZA27 alloy,especially its wear mechanism has not beendeeply researched.For purpose of providing scientific basis for selecting reasonably high aluminumzinc based alloy material.The friction and wear properties of ZA27 alloy which coupled withthemseves and coupled with 45 steel have been ivestigated by SRV sliding friction and wear testingmachine and M-200 tvear testing machine under dry friction and 30# mechanical oil lubrication. The composition changes,morphology characteristic of the wear scar of ZA27 alloy were analyzedand determined with Auger electron spectrometer(AES),scanning electron microscopy(SEM)andTalysurf 5P-120 morphology determination system. The wear mechanism is proposed underdifferent conditions.