Friction and Wear of Ti3SiC2-derived Carbon Coatings in Vacuum
Graphical Abstract
Carbide derived carbon coating on Ti3SiC2 substrate (CDC@Ti3SiC2) was prepared by chlorination at 800 ℃ in a flow of 5% Cl2 + Ar gas mixtures. By using the porous and lamellar structure of the CDC@Ti3SiC2 coating as a reservoir for ionic liquids (e.g. 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate, LP106), a solid-liquid duplex lubricating coating(CDC@Ti3SiC2-LP106 coating) was obtained by vacuum impregnation.The tribological properties of bare Ti3SiC2, CDC@Ti3SiC2 coating and CDC@Ti3SiC2-LP106 coating sliding against a Si3N4 ball were investigated in two modes, i.e. high vacuum (10-4 Pa) and progressive evacuation from 105 to 10-4 Pa. The friction coefficient of CDC@Ti3SiC2 coating firstly decreased with the decreasing background pressure and then increased in high vacuum. In comparison, the friction coefficient of CDC@Ti3SiC2-LP106 coating was low and insensitive to the variation of the background pressure. In both modes, CDC@Ti3SiC2 coating and CDC@Ti3SiC2-LP106 coating significantly reduced the friction coefficient of bare Ti3SiC2 without obvious improvement on the wear resistance.