ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Discomfort Perception on Human Skin among Different Gender During Friction Contact

  • 摘要: 利用人体生理和心理反应反馈信号研究了不同性别人体前臂掌侧皮肤在不同法向加载摩擦条件下的不舒适度感知能力.试验在UMT-II多功能摩擦磨损试验机上进行,相应的生理反应信号:皮肤温度、电容以及脑电波利用NeXus-10生理反馈仪进行同步采集及定量分析;皮肤感知的心理信号借助于摩擦过程中受试者对疼痛、牵扯和灼热的感觉程度进行量化记分.结果表明:皮肤的摩擦系数在性别之间无显著性差异;女性皮肤的温度及电容普遍高于男性,但温度及电容在摩擦开始及结束时的差值在性别之间无显著性差异;女性脑电波幅值及高幅值波峰数大于男性;相应的女性在摩擦过程中不舒适的心理反应强于男性;所有受试者在摩擦过程中的不舒适感均随时间的延长及载荷的增大而增强.


    Abstract: The discomfort perceptions of human volar forearm skin among different gender during friction testing are studied by biofeedback of physiological and psychological responses. A UMT-Ⅱ tribometer is used to measure friction coefficient of the forearm skin under different normal forces of 0.2 and 1 N, and corresponding physiological signals: skin temperature, conductance and EEG are assessed quantitatively by using a NeXus-10 instrument. The psychological responses are characterized qualitatively according to the volunteers' sensations of pain, drag and heat. Results show that the skin frictional coefficient exhibits no significant differences among different gender. The skin temperature and conductance of female are higher than those of male, however, the differences of skin temperature and conductance at start and end of the test show no significant differences among different gender respectively. The amplitude of EEG and number of high peak amplitude of female are greater than those of male, correspondingly, the psychological responses of discomfort sensations of female are stronger than those of male during friction testing. The discomfort sensations of all subjects gradually intensify with increasing friction time and normal force.


