ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Erosion Wear Behaviors of SiC/epoxy Resin Composite

  • 摘要: 采用环氧树脂为粘接剂制备了SiC/环氧树脂复合材料,在自制的射流式冲蚀磨损试验机上研究了SiC/环氧树脂的冲蚀磨损性能。结果表明;大尺寸SiC颗粒制备的复合材料较小尺寸SiC颗粒制备的复合材料具有更好的冲蚀磨损性能,且大尺寸SiC颗粒复合材料的冲蚀磨损性能优于Q235钢,而小尺寸SiC颗粒复合材料则低于Q235钢。随着冲蚀角度的变化,其平行材料表面的切削分量和垂直材料表面的冲击分量将会发生变化,低角度冲蚀磨损机理以显微切削和碾压造成环氧树脂及SiC颗粒的层片状脱落为主转变为高角度冲蚀磨损以SiC颗粒碎裂造成环氧树脂疲劳脱落为主


    Abstract: The effects of SiC particle sizes and impact angles on slurry erosion wear behaviors of SiC/epoxy resin composite were studied by a self-made slurry jet erosion tester. The results showed that the erosion wear resistance of SiC/epoxy resin composite with large size SiC particles was better than that of plain carbon steel, but with small size SiC particles was lower than that of plain carbon steel. By varying the slurry erosion angle, the cutting action of solid particles in slurry parallel to the wearing surface and the impact action of solid particles in slurry perpendicular to the wear surface varied accordingly. This made the erosion wear mechanism vary from ply spalling of SiC paeticles and epoxy resin at low impact angle to fragmentation of SiC particles and fatigue spalling of epoxy resin at high impact angle.


