ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study on the Tribological Behavior of C_(60)/C_(70) as an Oil Additive

  • 摘要: 作者利用电弧法制备了C_(60)/C_(70)混合物,并用固体研磨法和溶剂挥发法将C_(60)/C_(70)分散于石蜡油中。SRV试验机上的研究结果表明,利用溶剂挥发法将1%(ωl)的C_(60)/C_(70)分散于石蜡油中,可使石蜡油的极压负荷提高3倍,并使其摩擦系数降低1/3,同时还能明显地减少摩擦副的磨损。作者认为,精细分散的C_(60)/C_(70)可以作为减摩抗磨添加剂应用于润滑油中。


    Abstract: Preparation of C60/C70 has been accomplished by operating a carbon arc in an atmosphere of helium. The C60/C70 mixtures are dispersed into the paraffin liquid by two ways, one is solid grinding (SG); another is solvent evaporation (SE) . The extreme pressure (EP) and antiwear behavior of C60/C70 as an oil additive are evaluated using a SRV Tester. The results showed that using the SE method to disperse C60/C70 into the paraffin liquid, the EP value can be increased by 3 times, the friction coefficient decreased from 0. 18 to 0. 11 and the wear is reduced too. It is suggested that the fine dispersed C60/C70 powder can be used in lubricating oil as an antifric-.tion and antiwear additive. The C60/C70 is worth to study further in the tribology research field.


