ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Behaviors of Polyamide 1010 Composites Filled with Nanoscale Al2O3 and Fe2O3 Particulates

  • 摘要: 采用模具挤压成型方法制备了纳米Al2O3和Fe2O3填充PA1010尼龙复合材料,采用MM-200型摩擦磨损试验机考察了所制备的尼龙复合材料在干摩擦条件下同45#钢对摩时的摩擦磨损行为。研究结果表明,填充纳米Al2O3使得PA1010尼龙复合材料的摩擦系数增大,而填充纳米Fe2O3使得摩擦系数降低;纳米Al203和Fe2O3填充尼龙复合材料的耐磨性能优于尼龙;当纳米填料的质量分数从10%提高到20%时,纳米Fe2O3填充尼龙的磨损量增大,纳米Al2O3填充尼龙的磨损量无明显变化,2种填料填充尼龙复合材料的摩擦系数变化不大.纳米Fe2O3填充尼龙复合材料同45#钢对摩时主要呈现粘着磨损和轻微疲劳磨损特征,而纳米Al2O3填充尼龙复合材料呈现脆性疲劳开裂特征。纳米Fe2O3填充尼龙复合材料在偶件磨损表面形成的转移膜更加均匀和连续,故其减摩抗磨性能优于纳米Fe2O3填充尼龙复合材料。


    Abstract: The polyamide 1010 composites filled with nanoscale Al_2O_3 and Fe_2O_3 particulates were prepared by extrusion moulding.The friction and wear behaviors of the resulting composites sliding against AISI-1045 steel were investigated on an MM-200 test rig in a ring-on-block configuration.The morphologies of the worn surfaces of the polymer matrix and the filled composites were observed on a scanning electron microscope, while those of the counterpart steel rings were observed on an optical microscope.It was found that both the nanoscale Al_2O_3 and Fe_2O_3 particulates as the fillers contributed to greatly increasing the wear resistance of the polyamide 1010.The nanoscale Al_2O_3 caused an increase in the friction coefficient, while Fe_2O_3 particulates as the filler led to decreasing of the friction coefficient. Moreover,the friction and wear behaviors of the filled composites were almost independent on the mass fraction of the nanoscale Al_2O_3,but the one with a relatively smaller content of Fe_2O_3 particulates had better friction-reducing ability and wear resistance than that containing a higher content of the Fe_2O_3 particulates.The nylon composites filled with nanoscale Fe_2O_3 were characterized by adhesion and mild abrasion,while the ones filled with nanoscale Al_2O_3 by brittle fracture and severe plastic deformation.This was related to the different actions of the nanoscale Fe_2O_3 and Al_2O_3 fillers and to the differences in the features of the corresponding transfer films on the counterpart steel rings.


