ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Studies of a Water-soluble Polyether Ester

  • 摘要: 在实验室合成6种分子结构中含有不同长度聚氧乙烯链( )和不同长链烷基的水溶性聚醚酯。利用四球摩擦磨损试验机,详细考察了烷基链长度,聚氧乙烯链长度即聚乙二醇分量大小对添加剂摩擦学性能的影响。利用浊数法测定了6种水性酯的HLB值,详细分析了聚氧乙烯链长对聚醚酯水溶性的影响。结果表明: 在添加剂分子结构中,烷基链长影响添加剂的摩擦学性能;聚乙二醇的分子量影响添加剂HLB值的大小,即在水中的溶解能力。使用过程中,可以根据需要,合理选择烷基链长度和聚氧乙烯的长度(聚乙二醇分子量),使添加剂的水溶性和摩擦学性能达到平衡状态。


    Abstract: Six kinds of water-soluble polyether ester were prepared and their tribological properties used as an additive in water were evaluated on a four-ball tester. The effects of alkyl chain and the molecular weight of polyethylene glycol on the water-solubility and the tribology property of the additives were studied in detail. The results showed that , in the polyether estermolecular structure, the length of the alkyl chain and the molecular weight of polyethylene glycol had influences on the tribology property and the water solubility, respectively. In practice, a reasonable choice of alkyl chain length and the length of polyoxyethylene should be made to compromise the tribological properties and water-soluble of the additives.


