ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Theoretical Formula for Calculation of Line-contact Elastic Contact Deformation

  • 摘要: 以一般光滑性体接触理论为基础,结合有限长弹性体接触的特点,求出线接触弹性接蟹变形的解析公式,并发现其解析解与数值解具有很好的一致性,所得公式可以对赫兹线接触理论加以补充,与经验公式相比,它能够确切反映材料、载荷以及曲率半径等对接触变形的影响,为工程中的精确计算提供了方便。


    Abstract: Based upon the theory on general smooth elastic contact, the finite length line contact problem was analyzed and the theoretical formula of elastic line contact deformation derived. It has been found that the analytical solution is consistent with the numerical one. As compared with the empiric formulae, the formula derived reveals the effect of material characteristics, load and radius of curvature on the elastic line contact deformation more accurately. Thus Hertz line contact theory could be improved by applying the derived formula, while the line contact problem in practice be calculated more conveniently.


