ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Comparison on Tribological Properties of NBR Composites Filled with Nano-Fe3O4 and Nano-SrO.6Fe2O3

  • 摘要: 采用共混法制备了NBR/Fe3O4复合材料和NBR/SrO.6Fe2O3复合材料,使用UMT-2MT摩擦磨损试验机和2206型表面粗糙度测量仪对复合材料的摩擦系数和摩擦磨损状况进行了测试.通过扫描电子显微镜与 射线能量色散谱仪对NBR/Fe3O4复合材料的表面微观形貌以及纳米粒子在橡胶中的分布情况进行了探讨。结果表明:2种纳米材料的加入均能够改善NBR的耐磨性,其中NBR/Fe3O4复合材料的耐磨效果更佳.纳米Fe3O4和纳米SrO.6Fe2O3 2种纳米粒子的最佳添加量均为10%左右(质量分数).纳米Fe3O4 粒子的加入使得NBR的摩擦系数与磨损率有较大幅度的减小,而纳米SrO.6Fe2O3 加入则使得摩擦系数与磨损率起初有较小幅度的减小,但随着添加量的加大,摩擦系数与磨损率不断加大. NBR/Fe3O4复合材料在纳米粒子含量10%左右时具有较好的表面结构,且纳米Fe3O4粒子在复合材料中分布较为均匀.


    Abstract: NBR/Fe3O4 composites and NBR/SrO.6Fe2O3 composites were prepared by blending. The friction coefficient and wear resistance were investigated by using UMT-2MT-friction and wear tester and surface profiler. The microstructures of the composites were observed using a scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and the distribution of nano-Fe3O4 particles was observed by an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). The results showed that the anti-wear properties of NBR composites were improved using two kinds of nano-particles as fillers. And the tribological properties of NBR/ Fe3O4 composites were better than that of NBR/SrO.6Fe2O3 composites. The optimal fraction of the two kinds of fillers in NBR composites was 10%. The friction coefficient and wear rate of NBR were largely reduced by adding nano-Fe3O4 particles. The friction coefficient and wear rate of NBR were slightly reduced by adding low amount of nano-SrO.6Fe2O3 particles. However, the friction coefficient and wear rate increased with the increasing addition amount of nano-SrO.6Fe2O3 particles. When the content of nano-particles was 10%, the NBR/Fe3O4 composites had good surface microstructure and homogenously distributed nano-particles in the composites.


