ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



In vitro Study on the Impact Wear Behavior of Human Teeth

  • 摘要: 在自制的小载荷冲击磨损试验机上,对离体人牙进行了不同循环次数的冲击加载试验,结合微观分析,研究了人体天然牙的冲击磨损行为.结果表明:人牙表面的磨损体积随冲击次数增加呈非线性增大.在冲击磨损初期,人牙表面呈现轻微塑性变形;随着时间增长,磨损表面出现剥落,磨损加剧;随着时间继续增长,磨损表面形成磨屑层,磨损速率减缓.研究还发现,人牙磨损表面硬度随冲击次数增加而增大.


    Abstract: Impact wear behavior of human teeth against SiC ceramic was investigated using a specially designed impact test machine. Tests running up to 5 000,50 000,250 000,550 000,800 000 and 1 000 000 cycles were conducted, respectively. The worn surfaces of human tooth specimens were studied by means of various microscope examinations. The results show that the wear volume of human teeth increased nonlinearly with the number of impact cycles. Tooth surface damage was mainly characterized with slight plastic deformation at the early stage of impact wear. With the increasing number of impact cycles, delamination occurred on the worn surface, and then the depth of wear scar increased rapidly. As the wear proceeded, the tooth surface was gradually covered with a wear particle layer, and the wear rate decreased. In addition, the surface hardness of wear scar was found to increase with the number of impact cycles during the wear process.


