ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Characteristics of Corrosion Wear for Two Kinds of Oil Well Tube Steels in Two-Phase Fluid Medium

  • 摘要: 在两相流硫酸腐蚀介质中,利用自制磨损试验装置分别研究了N80和P110油套管钢的腐蚀磨损性能,对比分析了2种钢的腐蚀磨损协同作用速率及其协同作用率,并分析了适宜2种材料的工况选择.结果表明:与N80相比,P110钢的腐蚀速率、磨损速率以及腐蚀磨损协同作用略低;2种钢试样的腐蚀磨损协同作用速率随介质的转速和浓度增加而增大,而协同作用率则呈非单调性变化,在较高浓度某一较低转速处达到最大值;当浓度较高转速较低时,宜选用N80钢;在浓度较低转速较高时,则宜选用P110钢.


    Abstract: In two-phase fluid medium of sulfate acid solution,corrosion wear properties of N80 and P110 oil well tube steels were investigated with a self-assembly wearing device,and synergistic rate and interactive ratio of corrosion wear for two steels were comparatively analyzed respectively, and choice of service condition of two steels was discussed.Results showed that corrosion rate,wear rate and synergistic rate of N80 steel are a little higher than that of P110 steel in the medium,and vary with either concentration or rotary speed of the medium.Synergistic rates increase with increase of either rotary speed or concentration of two-phase medium in the corrosion wear process,but interactive ratios vary immonotously and can reach the maximum under a little high concentration and low rotary speed of the medium.It is more reasonable that N80 steel is chosen for the condition of both high concentration and low rotary speed,and that P110 steel is chosen for the condition of both low concentration and high rotary speed.


