ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study on Relationship Between Friction and Time of Slideway of Steel Sluice Gate

  • 摘要: 研究了胶木、油尼龙和铜塑固体自润滑复合材料(TS-70)3种平面滑动钢闸门支承滑道的摩擦时间效应,介绍了胶木和TS-70滑道摩擦时间效应的原型试验结果,用粘着理论解释胶木与油尼龙滑道摩擦时间效应强、TS-70滑道摩擦时间效应弱的原因在于粘弹性材料的蠕变大,引起实际接触面积增大,粘弹性材料的剪切模量的时间效应也大,使界面剪切强度增大。


    Abstract: The time effect of friction of bakelite, oil nylon and TS 70 slideways is studied. The result of prototype test of bakelite and TS 70 slideways is summarized with an industrial example. The time effect of friction of slideway is explained with adhesion theory of friction. It has been suggested that the larger creep deformation of viscoelastic slideway materials causes the extension in the real contact area of the slideway pairs, thus a stronger friction time effect is observed. The enhanced friction time effect of viscoelastic slideway materials is also dependent on the stronger shearing modulus time effect which increases the interfacial shearing strength.


