ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Lubricated Sliding-rolling of a Ball-on-disc configuration at Low speed and Light load

  • 摘要: 选用镀Cr膜的玻璃盘和GCr15球作为摩擦副,在NGY-6纳米润滑膜测量仪上开展球-盘点接触摩擦副在润滑状态下的低速轻载滑滚特性试验,研究不同接触应力、钢球转速、滑滚比等参数对摩擦副的摩擦系数及对应油膜厚度的影响规律。结果表明:当接触应力和钢球转速一定时,摩擦系数随滑滚比的增大逐渐增加后达到稳定状态,当滑滚比较大时,滑滚比的变化对油膜厚度几乎没有影响;当滑滚比一定时,摩擦系数随接触应力的增大逐渐增大,随钢球转速的增大逐渐减小,油膜厚度随接触应力的增大逐渐减小,随钢球转速的增大逐渐增大。摩擦副在弹流润滑状态下,摩擦系数的增加幅度随接触应力的变化较小,而在薄膜润滑状态下,其增加幅度变大。摩擦副在薄膜润滑状态下,当滑滚比在0.1~0.5变化时,摩擦系数和油膜厚度基本处于稳定状态。


    Abstract: A series of sliding-rolling experiments of a GCr15 steel ball against Cr film on glass plate under lubricated conditions at low speed and light load were conducted on a NGY-6 nano-film thickness measuring instrument. The effects of contact stress, speed of steel ball and sliding-rolling ratio on the friction coefficient and film thickness were investigated accordingly. The results showed that the friction coefficient first increased with the increasing sliding-rolling ratio, and then reached a steady state at a fixed contact stress and speed of steel ball. And the film thickness was nearly indepenent on the sliding-rolling ratio at large sliding-rolling ratio. The friction coefficient increased gradually with the increasing contact stress and decreased gradually with the increasing ball speed when the slid-roll ratio was fixed. The film thickness increased gradually with the increasing contact stress and decreased gradually with the increasing ball speed. In the EHL regime, variation of the friction coefficient against the contact stress was slightly while it was large in the thin film lubrication regime. The friction coefficient and film thickness were at a steady state in the thin film lubrication regime when sliding-rolling ratio varied from 0.1 to 0.5.


