ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Investigation on the National Natural Science Foundation Supported Fundamental Research of Tribology

  • 摘要: 本文首先对国家自然科学基金在1986-1991年间资助摩擦学基础研究的情况进行了简洁的分析,接着就其资助办法作了介绍,最后着重对如何利用科学基金促进摩擦学的发展问题作了讨论,指出应当把坚持应用摩擦学学科发展战略的研究成果、鼓励和支持创新性研究、积极支持交叉学科研究和注意扶植新的学科生长点、加强摩擦学研究与实际应用相结合和促进优秀青年摩擦学研究人才的迅速成长等作为国家自然科学基金资助摩擦学基础研究的


    Abstract: The paper presented here expounds that the tribology discipline is a frontier science to be of significance. The National Natural Science Foundation Committee pays great attention to the basic theoretical research of tribology. During the period from .1986 to 1991, 57 projects in the field of tribology had been supported by the National Foundation. The guide book for applicants issued every year shows the subsidization scope of studying, the areas of research encouraged and directional items in the tribology field. Two key projects had been setted up by the Foundation. Also, the Foundation had invited experts to investigate the development strategy of the tribology discipline. Through the investigation on projects to have been subsidized in the tribology field, in this paper, we discussed how to select the items for hastening further development of tribology and the selection principle could be summarized into the policy that needs to be followed after as: a. The projects selected should be in compliance with the prescription in the investigation report on the development strategy of tribology. b. To encourage persons to bring forth new ideas and to do a novel research. c. To support vigorously the research in the cross fields and to take an effort to foster the symptom of a trend in the studies. d. To make theoretical research items of tribology combined with practical application. e. To promote excellent talents showing themselves through research on tribology.


