ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Wet Friction and Wear Behavior of Graphite-Filled Carbon Fabric Composites

  • 摘要: 采用树脂浸渍工艺制备了石墨质量分数0%~20%的5种碳布复合材料.借助扫描电镜和湿式摩擦试验机,研究了石墨含量对其表面形貌和摩擦磨损性能的影响.实验结果表明:石墨的固体润滑作用,主要造成了制动过程中动摩擦力矩的下降,而对锁止静摩擦力矩的影响却很小;石墨可以明显降低复合材料的动摩擦系数,并有助于提高动摩擦系数的稳定性;石墨的加入有效降低了碳布复合材料和对偶的磨损率,当石墨含量为15%时复合材料的磨损率最低.引入稳定系数对动摩擦系数的稳定性进行了定量分析,当石墨含量为10%时复合材料的动摩擦系数稳定性最好.


    Abstract: Five carbon fabric composites filled with graphite particulates (0%~20%) are fabricated by impregnation. The tribological properties of the carbon fabric composites are investigated on a wet friction tester and the surface morphologies are analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. Experimental results show that the addition of graphite has pronounced effect on the dynamic friction torque but much less effect on the lock-up static friction torque. With addition of graphite, the dynamic friction coefficient is significantly reduced and its stability is improved. The presence of graphite decreases the wear rates of the composites and the counterpart material. Carbon fabric composite containing 15% graphite has the lowest wear rate. The stability coefficient is introduced for quantitative analysis of dynamic friction coefficient. By quantitative analysis, the carbon fabric composites with 10% graphite exhibits the best stability of dynamic friction coefficient.


