ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A Combined Theory for Turbulence in Lubricating Films

  • 摘要: 对复合型紊流润滑理论模式和国际上通用的几种紊流润滑理论模式进行比较研究,针对纯Couette流动和兼有压力梯度与剪切运动的复杂流动2种流场,用各种紊流润滑模式进行计算分析,并与不同雷诺数下时均速度的现有试验数据对比,研究表明:与其它紊流模式比较,复合型紊流润滑模式能准确分析不同工况的流场,与试验数据最为吻合;在低雷诺数下,复合型紊流模式由于理论基础的坚实性,仍能很好地适用,当用于既有高雷诺数又有低


    Abstract: Several commonly used turbulent lubrication models are compared with the combined turbulent lubrication model. These models are applied to a pure Couette flow and a combined shear pressure flow with zero net flow rate to predict the velocity distribution under different Reynolds number. The calculating results based on these models are compared with existing experimental data. As the results, the calculated results based on the combined turbulent model agree well with the experimental ones. The combined turbulent model is also applicable to situations of low Reynolds number. Therefore, for lubricating films involving Reynolds numbers ranging from low to high values, this model could find promising application.


