ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effects of Atomic Oxygen in Low Earth Orbit on Space Lubricants

  • 摘要: 选择硅油(CPSO)、全氟聚醚油(Fomblin Z25)和硅碳氢油(SiCH) 3种典型的空间用润滑油,进行地面模拟原子氧暴露试验,考察了原子氧对这3种润滑油的质量、外观、分子量以及摩擦学性能的影响. 结果表明:原子氧辐照会导致润滑油质量损失、产生固体不溶物并导致润滑油分子量增大和分子量分布变宽。同时摩擦试验发现,原子氧辐照后润滑油的摩擦系数变得不稳定,有突然增大的现象.3种润滑油原子氧暴露试验结果综合分析表明Fomblin Z25较容易受原子氧影响,CPSO次之,SiCH油表现最佳.


    Abstract: Among many environmental factors in low earth orbit (LEO), atomic oxygen (AO) is one of the few neutral species that can destruct a variety of materials, especially synthetic ones. Thus, the on-ground exposure tests of potential space lubricating materials to the simulated atomic oxygen environment are of crucial importance. The paper investigated the effects of AO exposure on the chemical, physical and tribological properties of three typical lubricants, i.e. silicone oil (CPSO), perfluoropolyether oil (Fomblin Z25) and silicon hydrocarbon oil (SiCH). After exposure to AO, significant mass lose of Formblin Z25 ranging from 0.09% to 5.10% was observed, while relatively low mass losses of 0.40%~0.49% and 0.03%~0.05% were found for CPSO and SiCH, respectively. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) measurements showed that the number-average molecule weights (Mn) of CPSO and SiCH after AO irradiation increased from 5905 to 6627 for CPSO and from 1954 to 2384 for SiCH, and the polydispersity indexes (PDI) increased from 2.09 to 2.59 for CPSO and from 1.15 to 1.37 for SiCH. The friction tests showed that the friction coefficients of the lubricants became unstable after AO irradiation for all the three lubricants, especially for Z25 that almost lost its lubricity after a 300 min irradiation. The rank of resistance to AO irradiation was SiCH, CPSO, and Fomblin Z25.


