ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Brittleness of Boride Layer on Its Wear Resistance and Mechanism

  • 摘要: 利用MM-200 型磨损试验机研究了固体硼铬稀土共渗降低渗硼层脆性对其磨损特性的影响,同时对磨损机理进行了分析.结果表明:当脆性下降42.8% 时,渗硼层的耐粘着磨损、磨粒磨损和疲劳磨损性能分别提高0.26~0.60、0.27~0.80 和0.86~1.16 倍;脆性的降低使渗硼层在压应力和切应力下的压痕断裂、柱状晶折断和浅层剥落现象明显减轻.


    Abstract: The effect of decreasing boride brittleness by pack RE chrome boronizing on its wear resistance and mechanism has been studied using an MM 200 wear tester. The results show that when brittleness drops by 42.8%,the adhesion, abrasion and fatigue wear resistance of the boride layer increases by 26%~60%, 27%~80%, and 86%~116%, respectively. The boride layer of low brittleness shows slight indentation cracks, pillar crystal breaking and shallow stripping under drawing and pressing stress.


