ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Dry Friction Coefficient of High Content SiC Particle Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composite against Commercial Friction Material

  • 摘要: 汽车轻量化是当今汽车工业发展的主旋律.针对制动盘的轻量化,研究了SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料与摩擦材料干滑动的摩擦行为,并探讨了其增摩的机理.结果表明:随SiC质量百分数从50%增加到55%,最大静摩擦系数增大了约80%.两对摩擦副的静摩擦系数随压力增大均明显增大,随滑动速度提高则呈先增后减的趋势.干滑动摩擦导致的摩擦表面温度升高造成基体软化,增强相脱落,且使得磨损机理由磨粒磨损向黏着磨损转变,从而严重影响摩擦系数的稳定性.


    Abstract: Lightweight automobile is one of important issues of auto industry development. Aimed at lightening of brake disc, the friction behavior of SiC particle reinforced aluminum matrix composite against commercial friction material under dry sliding friction was studied and the friction mechanism was discussed. Results show that the friction coefficient increased with the increase of SiC content from 50% to 55% and enhanced normal load. The friction coefficient first increased with increase of sliding speed and then decreased. The friction temperature rise induced Al alloy softening and reinforcing particle shedding and thus transition of wear mechanism from abrasive wear to adhesive wear, which had obvious influence on the stability of friction coefficient.


