ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Performance of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Resin-matrix Brake Composites

  • 摘要: 采用竹纤维为增强相制备新型无石棉树脂基复合摩擦材料.通过热失重分析、定速摩擦试验及磨损表面形貌观察等手段探讨竹纤维的含量对材料在不同温度下摩擦学性能的影响.试验结果表明:在树脂基摩阻材料中加入适量竹纤维能改善材料摩擦磨损性能,并具有一定的减震降噪的效果,但在超过其热解温度时会造成竹纤维的碳化、挥发,对基体增强失效;竹纤维质量百分数为13%时试样能获得较稳定的摩擦系数及较低的磨损率;竹纤维含量过多会造成摩阻材料制备工艺性变差,且高温下大量竹纤维碳化剥落会破坏摩擦表面膜的连续性,使摩阻性能显著下降.


    Abstract: The bamboo fibers were added into resin matrix composite as the main reinforcement in order to develop a new kind of friction material free of asbestos. By using thermogravimetric analysis, constant speed friction test and worn surface morphology observation, the effect of amount of bamboo fiber in the composite on the tribological performance at different temperatures was investigated. The results show that the addition of bamboo fibers in the composites improved the friction and wear properties and reduced the braking noise and vibration. Carbonation and volatilization of bamboo fibers occurred at temperature higher than the pyrolysis temperature. In this study, the braking samples with 13% bamboo fiber showed stable friction coefficients and low wear rates. High amount of bamboo fibers resulted in difficulty in preparation process, carbonation and volatilization of bamboo fibers at elevated temperature and de-bonding from the matrix. As a result, the friction properties of the composites were degraded significantly.


