ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Investigation of the Tribological Behavior of Oil-soluble Cu Nanoparticles as Additive in Liquid Paraffin

  • 摘要: 采用液相化学还原法在溶液中原位合成了有机化合物表面修饰铜纳米微粒,用航向电子显微镜表征了微粒的尺寸、形貌和结构,在四球摩擦磨损试验机上考察了其作为液体石蜡添加剂的摩擦学性能,并与二烷基二硫代磷酸锌(ZDDP)进行了对比,结果表明:铜纳米微粒添加剂能够显著提高基础油的极压性能,同时具有良好的抗磨性能,尤其是在高负荷下其性能优于ZDDP,采用EPMA和XPS对铜纳米微粒的极压抗磨机理进行了分析,发现在


    Abstract: Cu nanoparticles coated with dialkyldithiophosphate (Coded as Cu DDP) were synthesized in situ by redox method. The size and structure of the nanoparticles were characterized using TEM and ED. The tribological behaviors of Cu DDP as additive in liquid paraffin were evaluated and compared with that of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP) on a four ball machine. The results show that Cu nanoparticle possesses excellent load carrying capacity and good antiwear property, which are better than that of ZDDP. The lubricating mechanism of Cu nanoparticles was discussed based on the XPS and EPMA analytical results.


