ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Analysis of the Static Performance of Externally Pressurized Gas Journal-Thrust Bearing with Slot Restrictors

  • 摘要: 在气体静压轴颈 -止推轴承的离散化过程中 ,采用有限元方法 ,利用加权余量法将其二阶偏微分方程降低一阶 ,使利用三角单元线性插值函数成为可能 ,简化了压力分布方程式的计算 ,给出了轴承的静态特性 ,分析了结构工艺尺寸、狭缝宽度和轴承间隙等因素对径向和轴向承载性能的影响 ,揭示了轴颈和止推轴承之间的相互影响规律 ,并且研究了轴承内部气膜压力分布的规律 .最后 ,通过实测值对计算结果进行了验证


    Abstract: The static performance of an externally pressurized gas journal-thrust bearing with slot restrictors was investigated by means of finite element analysis. The second-order partial differential equation, Reynolds equation, was reduced by one-order with weighted residual method in the discretization procedure; therefore the linear interpolation function can be used when the triangle finite elements were applied. Some factors influencing the radial and axial load-carrying capacity of the bearing, such as bearing design parameters, slot width and bearing clearance, are discussed. The interaction between the journal part and thrust part of the bearing was explored. The pressure distribution in the bearing was investigated as well. And the theoretical analytical results were clarified by the experimental ones. As the results, the method established is applicable to the precision analysis of externally pressurized gas journal-thrust bearing with slot restrictors. The axial load-carrying capacity of the bearing is smaller than the radial load-carrying capacity, the slot gap has little effect on the axial load-carrying capacity, while the best radial load-carrying capacity is recorded at an optimal slot gap. However, the axial and radial load-carrying capacities of the bearing are inversely affected by the slot gap near the restrictor bulge. Thus attention should be paid in the bearing design so as to reach balanced axial and radial load-carrying capacities.


