ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study on Dynamic Coefficients of Concentric Rotor in Finite-Length Large Gap Annular Flow

  • 摘要: 基于作者建立的大间隙环流中转子运动理论模型,用摄动法推导了有限长大间隙环流流场非线性控制方程的零阶和一阶摄动方程,研究了摄动方程的数值求解方法,并用该数值方法深入研究了有限长大间隙环流中同心转子的动特性系数以及壁面粗糙度、入口压力、长径比和入口预旋等参数的影响,研究结果表明,系统参数对有限长大间隙环流中同心转子动特性系数的影响是流体惯性效应、旋流效应、摩擦耗散效应和Lomakin效应综合影响的因素。


    Abstract: Based on the theoretical model developed by us, the zero and first order perturbation equations of 3D non linear partial differential equations of the motion of concentric rotor in finite length large gap annular flow are derived and solved by means of numerical method. Thus the dynamic coefficients of the concentric rotor immersed in finite length large gap annular flow are studied by means of the numerical method. The effects of stator/rotor wall roughness, inlet pressure, length diameter ratio and inlet pre rotation on the rotor dynamic coefficients are also discussed. The results show that these effects are the combined effects of the fluid inertial effect, friction dissipative effect, swirling effect, and Lomakin effect.


