ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Hydrodynamic Performance of Inclination-dimpled Face Gas Seal

  • 摘要: 为提高多孔端面气体密封的动压特性, 提出 1种双列倾斜椭圆微孔端面密封结构. 基于气体润滑理论模 型, 采用数值方法分析了操作参数和微孔几何参数对密封泄漏率和开启力的影响规律, 探讨了倾斜微孔的上、 下游 泵送作用对气体密封动压特性的作用机理. 结果表明: 与单列倾斜微孔端面气体密封相比, 双列倾斜微孔端面气体 密封可使动压开启力显著增加, 低压侧微孔环带可将下游流体沿微孔倾斜方向向上游泵送, 使得泄漏率显著降低, 气体密封动压效应明显增强; 密封动压性能受反向开孔比、 微孔倾角、 面积比和孔深等几何参数的影响, 本文给出了 这些参数的优化取值范围.


    Abstract: A new type of laser surface texturing gas seal with double-row inclined dimples was introduced to improve hydrodynamic performance. Influence of operating parameters and texturing parameters on open force and leakage was numerically investigated based on a gas lubrication theory. Then, upstream and downstream pumping principles of the inclined dimples were discussed. Results showed that the gas seal with double-row inclined dimples had larger hydrodynamic open force and lower leakage than that with single-row. The reason was that the downstream fluid can be pumped to upstream from the low pressure side along the inclination direction of the dimples. The hydrodynamic performance was determined by the texturing parameters, e.g. opponent texturing proportion, dimple inclination angle, dimple area rate and dimple depth. And optimization of these main texturing parameters was demonstrated.


