ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Wear Mechanism of Nano-TiAlN Coated Carbide Tools in High Speed Milling AerMet100 Steel

  • 摘要: 采用纳米TiAIN结构涂层硬质合金刀具对新型难加工材料AerMet100钢进行高速铣削试验,并对实验获得的数据从刀具磨破损形态及其磨损机理2方面进行系统地分析和研究。研究表明纳米TiAIN结构涂层硬质合金刀具在高速面铣削AerMet100钢时磨损破损形式主要为前刀面磨损、后刀面磨损、涂层材料的破损、微崩刃、边界沟槽磨损,贝壳状崩落;磨损机理主要是磨粒磨损、粘结磨损、氧化磨损和扩散磨损。此外,研究发现,高速铣削AerMet100钢时,由于工件材料中的Co含量较高,刀具中的Co元素不但没有扩散流失,反而增加。


    Abstract: High speed face milling experiments on AerMet100 steel were conducted using nano-TiAIN coated cemented carbide tools. By analyzing experimental data, it was found that wear patterns of nano-TiAIN coated cemented carbide tools in high speed milling AerMet100 steel included rake face wear, flank wear, breakage of coating, micro-chipping of cutting edge, boundary groove wear, conchoidal avalanche. Wear mechanisms included abrasion, adhesion, diffusion and chemical wear. The results demonstrated that the tool had increased content of element Co in high-speed milling AerMet100 steel.


