ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4


Ti3SiC2/Inconel 718摩擦副的高温摩擦学性能

李慧, 任书芳, 商剑, 吕晋军

李慧, 任书芳, 商剑, 吕晋军. Ti3SiC2/Inconel 718摩擦副的高温摩擦学性能[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2013, 33(2): 129-134.
引用本文: 李慧, 任书芳, 商剑, 吕晋军. Ti3SiC2/Inconel 718摩擦副的高温摩擦学性能[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2013, 33(2): 129-134.
LI Hui, REN Shu-fang, SHANG Jian, LV Jin-jun. Tribological Properties of Ti3SiC2-Inconel 718 Couple at Elevated Temperatures[J]. TRIBOLOGY, 2013, 33(2): 129-134.
Citation: LI Hui, REN Shu-fang, SHANG Jian, LV Jin-jun. Tribological Properties of Ti3SiC2-Inconel 718 Couple at Elevated Temperatures[J]. TRIBOLOGY, 2013, 33(2): 129-134.

Ti3SiC2/Inconel 718摩擦副的高温摩擦学性能



  • 中图分类号: TH117.3

Tribological Properties of Ti3SiC2-Inconel 718 Couple at Elevated Temperatures

  • 摘要: 本文考察了Ti3SiC2-Inconel 718摩擦副从室温到800 ℃范围内的摩擦磨损性能.结果表明:温度的升高有利于改善Ti3SiC2-Inconel 718摩擦副的摩擦磨损性能,在800 ℃时,其摩擦磨损性能优异.随着温度的升高,摩擦系数从室温的0.71降至800 ℃时的0.37,Ti3SiC2的磨损率从4×10-3 mm3/(N·m)降至10-5 mm3/(N·m)以下.高温塑性变形和摩擦氧化物层的形成导致摩擦系数的降低,300 ℃以下,晶粒的断裂、拔出与脱落以及材料向合金的转移造成了Ti3SiC2高的磨损率,从400 ℃至800 ℃,Ti3SiC2晶粒的断裂与脱落受到明显抑制,其磨损率显著降低.
    Abstract: The tribological properties of Ti3SiC2 sliding against Ni-based alloy Inconel 718 from ambient temperature to 800 ℃ were investigated. The experiment results indicated that the tribological behaviors of the couple were improved with the increase of temperatures. The Ti3SiC2-Inconel 718 couple presented excellent tribological properties at 800 ℃. The friction coefficient was 0.81 at ambient temperature and wear rate of Ti3SiC2 was 4×10-3 mm3/(N·m). In contrast, the friction coefficient was 0.37 at 800 ℃ and the wear rate of Ti3SiC2 reduced to 10-5 mm3/(N·m). The deformation at elevated temperature and the tribo-oxidation led to the decrease of friction coefficient. The high wear rate of Ti3SiC2 was determined by the fracture and pullout of Ti3SiC2 grains and material transfer to the counterbody alloy during the sliding process below 300 ℃,while at 400~800 ℃,the fracture and pull-out of Ti3SiC2 grains were inhibited which resulted in the very low wear rate.
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  • 收稿日期:  2012-09-25
  • 修回日期:  2012-10-15


