ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Influence Factors of Fretting Wear of Bolted Joints Structure Based on Acoustic Emission

  • 摘要: 根据微动理论,运用声发射技术分别从预紧扭矩、激励加速度及频率3方面对螺栓连接结构的微动磨损影响因素进行了研究.结果表明:可以运用声发射技术来表征螺栓连接结构的微动磨损程度;预紧扭矩是影响螺栓连接结构微动磨损的主要因素;激励加速度对磨损程度的影响取决于螺栓连接状态;激励频率的影响尚需借助于其他手段做进一步研究。


    Abstract: The influence factors of fretting wear of bolted joints structure were carried out by using acoustic emission (AE) based on fretting wear theory, and special attention was paid on torque, acceleration and frequency of the external stimulation. Results showed that AE can characterize the degree of fretting wear of bolted joints structure. Fretting wear mainly depended on torque, and was of different sensitivity to the acceleration of the external stimulation. The other method and equipment will be needed to be adopted for the influence of the frequency of the external simulation for the further research. A new idea and a feasible on-line monitor method have been provided for fretting wear.


