ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Development of Model PEP Lubricating and Rust-proofing Film and Its Properties

  • 摘要: 本文报道以酚醛环氧树脂为主并加入适量的增韧剂及树脂改性剂形成的复合物作为粘结剂,和以二硫化钼为主要固体润滑剂且加入适量的稀土化合物及氧化锑等多种添加剂研制而成的PEP型润滑防锈两用干膜润滑剂。摩擦磨损试验结果表明,在给定的条件下,其摩擦系数为0.06~0.10,耐磨寿命比单用酚醛环氧树脂作粘结剂之干膜的提高近1倍,加入稀土化合物又使它的抗磨性能进一步提高;经100h5%NaCl溶液的盐雾试验和两年半时间的露天挂片耐候试验结果表明,喷涂PEP干膜的底材金属无锈蚀现象;这种干膜与法国SDA9干膜在Skoda试验机上的对比试验结果证明,其耐磨性能比后者的好。目前,PEP干膜已代替进口的SDA9干膜在塔式起重机及复印机一些部件上得到了成功的应用。


    Abstract: A model PEP rust-proofing and lubricating film was developed in this paper. The friction and wear testing results showed that uunder the given conditions the friction coefficient is 0.06-0.10, the wear life of this kind of dry film is prolonged near one times than that of dry film in which the phenol formaldehyde epoxy resin is used as binder alone, after adding rare earth compound the antiwear ability rises again. The sample coated with PEP dry film was not rusted in a 5 % NaCl solution for 100 hours. The antiwear property of this dry film is better than that of Model SDA9 dry film from France in a comparative test. At present, the PEP dry film has been the alternative for the import products and has been applied to lubrication of several parts of tower crane and of xerox machine.


