ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study on Wear Resistance of Three Kinds of Thermal Sprayed Coatings

  • 摘要: 通过采用平稳加载往复滑动和动态加载冲击划痕 2种试验条件 ,研究了以钴基合金为重点的 3种热喷涂涂层的耐磨性 ,并初步探讨了其磨损机理 .结果表明 :3种涂层在滑动摩擦过程中的磨损机制为微切削和犁削 ;在冲击划痕条件下材料流失方式则以凿削和断裂为主 .试验结果证实 ,热喷涂涂层的耐磨性不仅与其宏观硬度有关 ,还与涂层的塑性、脆性及内聚强度密切相关


    Abstract: The wear resistance of three kinds of thermal sprayed coatings under stable loading and dynamic loading was examined with a reciprocal sliding test rig and an impact scratching tester, respectively. The emphasis was put on the comparison of the wear-resistance and hardeness and plasticity and brittleness of the coatings. The wear mechanisms of the coatings were also discussed based on scanning electron microscopic observation of the worn coating surfaces. As the results, the coatings under sliding friction were characterized by micro-cutting and micro-ploughing, while they were govenred by split cutting and fracture under impact scratching. The wear resistance of the thermal sprayed coatings was not only dependent on the hardness, but also on the plasticity, brittleness and cohesion.


