ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



An Application of Correlation and Spectrum Analyses in Surface Topography Study

  • 摘要: 本文通过对表面形貌进行相关分析与谱分析,提出了相对波度和有效波度、相对波长和有效波长的概念,并且指出相关分析与谱分析是研究表面形貌润滑效应的有力工具。作者认为,当相对波度为有效波度时,应当同时考虑波长和幅值的摩擦学效应;当相对波度为高频的粗糙度时,只需考虑表面形貌的幅值效应。


    Abstract: With correlation and spectrum analyses for surface topography, the concepts of relative waviness and effective waviness,relative wavelength and effective wavelength are introduced in this paper. It is pointed out that the technology of correlation and spectrum analysis is an important and useful tool to study the effect surface topography on lubrication. When the relative waviness comes into effective waviness, the effects of both wavelength and amplitude on tribological behavior should be considered. But, when relative waviness comes into roughness, only the amplitude effect of surface topography should be considered.


