ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Wear Prediction of Clearance Revolute Joints Using Winkler Surface Model

  • 摘要: 间隙铰接副磨损与机构动力学之间存在交互耦合作用.通过Winkler弹性基础模型既可表达铰接副共形接触反力用于构建多体力学方程,又可得到界面接触压力分布用于磨损计算,从而可获得较Hertz理论对共形接触问题更好的计算准确度,且避免有限元方法计算接触压力分布导致的计算耗时性.以曲柄滑块机构为例的分析和实验结果表明:虽然有限元方法可得到更高的磨损预测精度,但Winkler模型对微间隙铰接副磨损预测具有可接受的精度和更好的计算效率,从而可为含间隙铰接副机械系统摩擦学设计提供简便的算法.


    Abstract: Wear of clearance revolute joints is commonly coupled with mechanical dynamics. Winkler surface model is utilized to calculate joints reaction and contact pressure rather than Hertz model and finite element method (FEM) because Hertz model is not suitable for conformal contact. And FEM leads to the high computational cost. An analysis scheme of wear coupling with mechanical dynamics is established and validated by an exemplary crank slider mechanism with one clearance joint. Results show that wear prediction based Winkler's model can provide an acceptable accurate wear results compared with FEM although the later produces more accurate prediction. The proposed method is also an efficient tool for tribological design of mechanism with clearance joints.


