ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effects of Fretting Parameters on the Fretting Friction-Wear Behaviors of 2Cr13 Stainless Steel

  • 摘要: 本文简要报道了微动振幅、循环数和负荷对分别经860℃退火、激光相变硬化和激光熔凝渗碳处理的2Cr13不锈钢微动摩擦磨损性能之影响的研究结果。文章指出,这3种微动参量的增大都使微动磨损体积增大,但其对微动摩擦系数的影响却比较复杂:摩擦系数随循环数的增加先是急剧增大,然后增大速度明显减缓并逐渐趋于稳定;摩擦系数随负荷的增加而下降,其在负荷增至80N时达到最低点,然后又随负荷的增加而缓慢上升;微动振幅的


    Abstract: The effects of fretting slip amplitude, load and number of cycle on the fretting friction and wear behaviors of laser transformation hardened, laser melt-solidification cemented and annealed 2Cr13 stainless steel were investigated in this paper. The rasults shown that fretting wear volumes increase with the increasing of the above mentioned three parameters, the changes of the fretting friction coefficient is complicated: along with the increase of load it decreases rapidly at the first, and then this decrease becomes more and more slowly and tends to stabilizing, the enlargement of fretting amplitude has no effect on the fretting friction coefficient.


