ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A Response Camber Analysis for the Friction Coefficient of Water Based Polymer Solid Lubricant

  • 摘要: 用正交旋转试验设计,建立了一种比多元线性回归设计更简明的水基高分子润滑剂摩擦系数的数学模型.通过摩擦系数的响应曲面分析,可以确定润滑剂配方中各组分用量变化的优化水平,用图示法分析各组分间的交互作用和它们对润滑剂质量指标的影响.此外,利用响应曲面分析法还可为研究多组分复配润滑剂的润滑性能提供数理依据


    Abstract: By a rotational orthogonal experimental design,a mathematical model,which is more simple than linear regression model ,has been proposed to analyze the friction coefficient of water based polymer solid lubricant.The optimal level of the variables of the components of the lubricant can be obtained through analyzing response camber of the friction coefficient.By graphical analysis,the interactions of the components and their effects on the properties of the lubricant are discussed.This analysis method is also effective for improving properties of the multicomponent lubricants.


