ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Research on Tribological Behavior of OMMT/Polypropylene Composites

  • 摘要: 采用熔体插层法在双螺杆挤出机上制备出含不同质量分数的有机蒙脱土(OMMT)PP复合材料,对OMMT/PP复合材料的力学性能和摩擦磨损性能进行研究,利用扫描电子显微镜观察磨损表面性貌.结果表明:复合材料的硬度和拉伸强度随OMMT含量增加先增加后减小;Ⅴ型缺口冲击强度逐渐上升;摩擦系数和磨损率先降低而后升高;当OMMT质量分数为1.5%时,复合材料的硬度和拉伸强度最大,磨损率为PP的65%,摩擦系数降低8.5%;随着OMMT含量增加(0%~4%),复合材料的磨损形式主要为粘着磨损、磨粒磨损以及粘着磨损与磨粒磨损的混合形式.


    Abstract: OMMT/PP composites were synthesized through melt intercalation in twin-screw extruder.The effects of the content of OMMT on the hardness,tensile strength and notch impact strength of the composites were investigated.The friction and wear behavior of the composites sliding against GCr15 steel under 250 N was examined on M-2000 test rig in a ring-on-block configuration.The worn surfaces of the composites were examined by scanning electron microscopy.Composites containing 1.5% OMMT exhibited high tensile strength,hardness and much better friction and wear behavior than that of PP matrix.With increasing of OMMT content(0%~4%),wear of the composites was dominated by adhesive wear,abrasive and adhesive wear mixed abrasive wear respectively.


