ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Current State of the Research of Tribological White Layers

  • 摘要: 综述了摩擦学领域的白层研究现旨出了当层(特别是微动白层)研究中存在的分歧和急论,分析归纳不同摩擦磨损条件下白层的形成条件和基本特征,重点讨论了白层的形成机制,提出了今后研究的方向。


    Abstract: A review is given of the research on tribological white layers. The divergences and disputes about the research of white layers are pointed out. Following an illustration of the basic features of white layers and the transformation conditions under different wear conditions, a discussion is given emphatically on the present work on formation mechanisms of tribological white layers. Some comments on the subject and the suggestions in relation to further research are also presented.


