ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Preparation and Friction Behavior of Carbon Nanotube Self -Assembled Composite Films

  • 摘要: 通过混酸对碳纳米管(CNTS)纯化,然后应用稀土溶液对纯化CNTS进行功能化,采用分子自组装技术在羟基化的玻璃基片表面制备了碳纳米管复合膜运用原子力显微镜(AFM )及扫描电子显微镜(SEM )观察了薄膜的表面形貌,使用X 射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)分析了薄膜表面典型元素的化学状态,并采用UMT -ZMT 摩擦试验机评价了薄膜的摩擦磨损性能研究结果表明:通过硅烷偶联剂3 -巯丙基三甲氧基硅烷(MPTS )的磺酸基化学吸附功能,稀土改性后的碳纳米管可以成功组装到氧化后的硅烷化表面当组装碳纳米管复合膜后,基片表面的摩擦系数由无膜时的085 降到了010 ,表明复合膜可以降低基片的摩擦系数,并且在较低载荷下具有较好的耐磨性能,显示了其在微机构表面改性方面良好的应用前景


    Abstract: Rare earth solution ( RES ) surface modification and appropriate acid -treatment were used to functionalize carbon nanotubes ( CNTOs) Through a self -assembling process , carbon nanotube ( CNT ) composite thin films were prepared on hydroxylated glass substrates from a specially formulated solution Atomic force microscope ( AFM ) , scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and X–ray photoelectron spectrometry(XPS ) were used to characterize the thin films The tribological properties of the films sliding against SAE52100 steel ball were evaluated on a UMT -ZMT reciprocating friction and wear tester The results showed that due to the chemisorption ability of -SO3H group , CNT composite films were successfully deposited on oxidized MPTS -SAM The tribological tests showed that the friction coefficient was markedly reduced from 0 85 ( bare glass substrate ) to 0.10 after the formation of CNT -SAM on its surface , which indicated its promising applications in microelectromechanical system ( MEMS )


