ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Fast Computation of Surface Deformation in Lubricated Contact

  • 摘要: 研究了弹性变形的计算特点 ,并在简单回顾卷积算法的基础上给出了一种利用快速傅立叶变换 (FFT)和离散圆卷积计算弹性变形的方法 .计算表明 ,通过对压力信号和影响系数 -响应函数 (Green函数 )进行简单的预处理 ,可以获得准确的弹性变形 ,其计算精度和多层网格积分法相当 ,而计算速度则是多层网格积分法的 3倍左右 ,是一种准确、高效的数值计算方法


    Abstract: Based on the examination of calculation process of surface deformation and discrete convolution, an FFT-based method for calculation of surface deformation was derived and described. The method requires a pretreatment for the discrete data of influence coefficients and pressure distribution so as to get rid of the periodic errors. Numerical examples are given to validate the method and to compare the results with those from other fast approaches. The results show that the FFT-based method is very accurate and efficient. It has a great potential in application to the numerical analysis of mechanical parameters, such as surface deformations and temperature rises.


