ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Laser Surface Texture on the Tribological Properties of Different Materials under Dry Friction

  • 摘要: 采用环-块线接触摩擦磨损试验,研究了经激光处理后不同织构面密度的45钢和12Cr凹坑形织构试件的干摩擦磨损特性.借助高精度天平分析了试件磨损量,采用三维形貌仪和扫描电镜对试件表面形貌进行了分析.研究结果表明:激光表面织构化使得45钢试件表面形成可以改善摩擦性能的高硬度质点;在相同试验条件下,与无织构试件相比,45钢织构环试件磨损量明显降低,而12Cr织构环试件磨损量却有所升高;织构试件的磨损量在一定范围内随着织构面密度的增加而降低;激光织构化对摩擦系数的稳定值影响不大.


    Abstract: Block-on-ring tribo-meters were used to investigate the dry friction and wear behavior of 45 steel and 12Cr with different laser textures area density. The wear was measured using a high precision scale and the morphologies of surfaces were examined using a 3D profiler and a scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the wear of textured 45 steel specimens was significantly reduced with reference to that of untextured specimens. However, adverse results were obtained for 12Cr steel. For 45 steel, the wear decreased with the increase of textures area density within a certain range, while the friction coefficient was independent on the area density of laser surface textures. Additionally, high hardness regions was obtained after laser textured which improved the wear resistance of 45 steel specimens.


