ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



丁军君, 孙树磊, 戚壮, 黄运华, 李芾

丁军君, 孙树磊, 戚壮, 黄运华, 李芾. 基于轮轨蠕滑机理的货车车轮磨耗寿命预测[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2013, 33(3): 236-244.
引用本文: 丁军君, 孙树磊, 戚壮, 黄运华, 李芾. 基于轮轨蠕滑机理的货车车轮磨耗寿命预测[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2013, 33(3): 236-244.
DING Jun-jun, SUN Shu-lei, QI ZhuangI1, HUANG Yun-hua, LI Fu. Wheel Wear Prediction of Railway Freight Car Based on Wheel/rail Creep Mechanism[J]. TRIBOLOGY, 2013, 33(3): 236-244.
Citation: DING Jun-jun, SUN Shu-lei, QI ZhuangI1, HUANG Yun-hua, LI Fu. Wheel Wear Prediction of Railway Freight Car Based on Wheel/rail Creep Mechanism[J]. TRIBOLOGY, 2013, 33(3): 236-244.





  • 中图分类号: U211.5

Wheel Wear Prediction of Railway Freight Car Based on Wheel/rail Creep Mechanism

  • 摘要: 为对货车车轮磨耗寿命进行预测,在SIMPACK中建立车辆-轨道多体动力学模型,基于轮轨半赫兹接触理论和Zobory车轮磨耗模型编制车轮磨耗数值仿真程序.对C80型货车等在环形线和大秦线上运行时的车轮磨耗行为进行仿真,并根据实测结果和仿真结果对Zobory车轮磨耗模型进行修正,最后利用修正后的Zobory模型对C80型货车在国内某重载线路上运行时的车轮磨耗寿命进行预测.结果表明:车辆在环形线和大秦线上运行时,仿真得到的车轮磨耗分布范围以及圆周磨耗深度和轮缘厚度随运行里程的变化趋势均与现场实测结果较为接近,但车轮圆周磨耗率分别为实测结果的1.394~1.842倍和2.172~3.658倍,主要原因是仿真中采用了轮轨半赫兹接触理论,考虑了弹性剪切变形对滑动速度的影响,并且国内货车采用的CL60钢的硬度大于国外BS11钢的硬度;C80型货车在国内某重载线路上运行时,利用修正后的Zobory模型仿真得到的车轮段修磨耗寿命为39×105 km,运用磨耗寿命为65×105 km,与现场统计结果较为吻合.
    Abstract: In order to predict the wheel wear of railway freight car, the vehicle-track multi-body dynamical models were built in SIMPACK software, and the wheel wear numerical simulation program were developed based on semi-Hertzian contact theory and Zobory's wear model. Wheel wear of C80 and other types of railway freight car which running on Ring-line and Da-Qin railway line were simulated, and the Zobory's wear model was corrected by the results from simulation and field measurement, at last the wheel wear life of C80 freight car which running on the heavy haul railway was predicted by the corrected Zobory's wear model. The results indicate that both the wear distribution range in wheel profile and the trend of wear depth and wheel flange thickness by simulation were in good agreement with the field measurement, but the tread of wear rates from simulation were 1.394~1.842 times and 2.172~3.658 times larger than field measurement separately. The first reason was that the semi-Hertzian contact theory was used in wear simulation, meanwhile the influence of elastic shear deformation on slid velocity was considered in wear simulation. The second reason was that the CL60 wheel steel used in China had highger hardness than that of BS11 steel used in Zobory's experiment. For the C80 freight car running on heavy haul railway, the simulated wheel depot repair life by corrected Zobory's wear model was 390,000 km and the application life was 650,000 km. Both the depot repair life and wheel application life from simulation were in good agreement with the field statistical results.
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  • 收稿日期:  2012-08-06
  • 修回日期:  2012-12-17


