ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Calculation of Dynamic Coefficients of a Journal Bearing Based on Reynolds Boundary and Its Application

  • 摘要: 运用有限元方法,在不需要额外求解Reynolds方程的情况下,求解了具有Reynolds边值条件的流体润滑问题,使得同时完成动力积分过程中非线性油膜力及影响Floquet乘子求解的油膜力Jacobian矩阵的计算成为可能;运用打靶法及预估-校正和打靶法相结合的延续算法考察了轴承-转子系统的非线性不平衡响应及其随轴承设计参数改变而出现的分岔现象,实现了计算量的有效减少。


    Abstract: An isoparametric finite element method based on eight nodal points and variational constrain approach was used to solve the fluid lubrication problem with Reynolds boundary. Thus a perturbed equation was directly obtained from the corresponding finite element equations. This made it feasible to simultaneously calculate the nonlinear oil film forces and their Jacobians matrices of compatible accuracy, with a small amount of increase in the computing efforts. The periodic unbalance responses of the system were obtained making use of shooting method, while the variations in the bifurcation behaviors of the periodic motions with the bearing design parameters were obtained making use of the path-following technique. The numerical examples indicated that it was feasible to save the computing time making use of the established method.


