ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Properties of Fe-Si-Cr-Al Quaternary System Fe3Si under Water Lubrication

  • 摘要: 利用Optimal SRV摩擦磨损试验机考察了Fe65Si25Cr5Al5、Fe70Si20Cr5Al5、Fe75Si15Cr5Al5和Fe80Si10Cr5Al5等几种Fe-Si-Cr-Al四元系Fe3Si与Si3N4配副时在水润滑条件下摩擦学性能.结果表明:Fe65Si25Cr5Al5和Fe70Si20Cr5Al5的磨损率低于纯Fe3Si和AISI 304不锈钢,同样,与这两种材料配副的Si3N4对偶材料磨损率也相对较低;Fe75Si15Cr5Al5和Fe80Si10Cr5Al5的磨损率则高于Fe3Si和AISI 304不锈钢.Fe70Si20Cr5Al5中Cr元素的化学活性高于其中Al元素的化学活性,材料表面富集的Cr2O3有效阻碍了Si3N4与水的摩擦化学反应,从而使Fe70Si20Cr5Al5在水环境中的摩擦学性能Fe3Si显著提高,在载荷分别为30、50、70和90 N条件下,Fe70Si20Cr5Al5比Fe3Si的磨损率分别降低了15.5%、20.2%、31.8%和38.2%;对偶材料Si3N4的磨损率则分别降低了67.9%、36.9%、46.6%和50.6%.


    Abstract: Tribological properties of Fe-Si-Cr-Al alloys (Fe65Si25Cr5Al5, Fe70Si20Cr5Al5, Fe75Si15Cr5Al5 and Fe80Si10Cr5Al5) in sliding against a Si3N4 ball under water lubrication were evaluated by using an Optimal SRV tribo-meter. The results indicate that the wear rates of Fe65Si25Cr5Al5 and Fe70Si20Cr5Al5 were lower than those of Fe3Si and AISI 304 stainless steel. The wear rate of Si3N4 sliding against Fe65Si25Cr5Al5 and Fe70Si20Cr5Al5 were low. The wear rate of Fe75Si15Cr5Al5 and Fe80Si10Cr5Al5, on the other hand, were relatively higher than those of Fe3Si and AISI 304 stainless steel. The chemical activity of Cr in Fe70Si20Cr5Al5 was higher than that of Al in Fe70Si20Cr5Al5. The enrichment of Cr2O3 on the worn surface of Fe70Si20Cr5Al5 hindered the tribochemical reaction between Si3N4 and water, which in turn accounted for the good tribological properties of Fe70Si20Cr5Al5. Compared with Fe3Si, the wear rates of Fe70Si20Cr5Al5 at the loads of 30 N, 50 N, 70 N and 90 N decreased by 15.5%, 20.2%, 31.8% and 38.2%, respectively. Meanwhile, the wear rates of Si3N4 against Fe70Si20Cr5Al5 at the loads of 30 N, 50 N, 70 N and 90 N decreased by 67.9%, 36.9%, 46.6% and 50.6% respectively compared with those of Si3N4 against Fe3Si.


