ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Solution to Line Contact Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Using Unequal-distance Multigrid Method

  • 摘要: 使用不等距多重网格法求解了线接触热弹流润滑问题 .结果表明 :与等距多重网格法相比 ,新解法虽不能提高数值求解的稳定性 ,却能得到更为精确的压力、膜厚及温度分布 ;计算结果表明中载下第二压力峰是光滑的


    Abstract: An unequal distance multigrid method is developed to solve the thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication of line contact problem. The results show that the pressure, film thickness and temperature distributions can be more accurately and efficiently calculated by using the unequal distance multigrid method without very dense grid, though the stabilization of the solving process is not improved. Moreover, the pressure spike calculated with the new numerical method is smooth under moderate load.


