ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribology Properties of New Compound Additives and Their Effect on the Lubricity of Cold-rolling Emulsion

  • 摘要: 利用正交实验设计考察了EAK、SCO和T304作为极压添加剂在铜板带冷轧乳液中的综合摩擦学性能,分析影响基础油极压抗磨性能的主要因素;研究不同类型的添加剂复配后的协同润滑特征,优选了最佳的复配比例,并通过轧制试验研究极压剂复配体系的工艺润滑效果。结果表明:影响基础油极压抗磨性能因素大小顺序为EAK>SCO>T304;硫系添加剂SCO和磷系添加剂EAK复配,可以有效提高润滑油的油膜承载能力和极压抗磨性能,当两者添加比例为6:1时复配体系协同作用效果最佳;以EAK-SCO体系配制的乳化液能有效减少轧制过程的摩擦,降低轧制能耗,铜带轧后表面十分光洁平整,因此在铜板带轧制润滑中具有良好的应用前景。


    Abstract: The paper uses orthogonal design to investigate tribology properties of EAK, SCO and T304, which are used as extreme-pressure additives in the emulsion for cold-rolling of copper plate, and analyzes the influence of the three additives on the extreme pressure and anti-wear performances of the basic oil. This paper also offers the best compound proportion of additives by studying the cooperative lubrication performance of different types of compound additives and tests the lubricity of extreme-pressure compound additives through cold-rolling experiments. These experiments show that: EAK has greatest influence on the extreme pressure and anti-wear performances of the basic oil, followed by SCO and T304, the compound additive of SCO and EAK promotes the basic oil remarkably in terms of load-carrying capacity and the extreme pressure and anti-wear performances, and its best compound proportion is 6:1,the emulsion with EAK-SCO compound additive can not only effectively reduce the friction and energy consumption in rolling, but also ensure an even and smooth surface of the rolled copper plate, therefore it has good application prospects in the rolling of copper plate.


